Dangers of Rapid Weight Loss

Do you need to lose weight? If so, you are not alone. Do you want to lose weight quickly? So do millions of other individuals. People all over the world are searching the internet for approaches to quick weight loss, fast weight loss, or rapid weight loss. These terms all mean the same thing: losing a large amount of weight within a short time frame, usually no more than a week. There is a lot of information available on this topic, and much of it is useless, wrong, or even dangerous.

Millions of Americans want to lose weight, and they want to do it immediately. The reasons vary, from wanting to look good in a bridesmaid's dress to looking good at the beach while on vacation. Rapid weight loss is certainly possible, but can carry serious side effects. Taking the wrong approach to fast weight loss can even be fatal. It is vitally important to know the dangers associated with losing weight quickly.

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A common approach for many individuals is fasting. Fasting involves the complete abstention from food for a specified period of time. While many people do fast for cultural or religious reasons, fasting has the potential to be extremely dangerous. It is much safer and more sensible to restrict your calorie intake to a reasonable level. Always strive to eat healthy foods while doing so. Fast food is never a healthy choice, and neither is junk food. What you eat is every bit as important as how much you eat. Do not attempt to undertake a lengthy fast without consulting a physician.

There is no more important component to a sensible, healthy weight loss program than regular exercise. What many people do not realize, however, is that it takes time for exercise to produce weight loss. It takes at least a week to obtain noticeable results. The biggest mistake you can make here is to go from a sedentary level of activity to an extreme level of exercise overnight. Certainly, three hours on an elliptical will burn more calories than thirty minutes on that same elliptical, but it will do you no good if you end up in the hospital after doing so. Take a reasonable, moderate approach to increasing your physical activity, especially if your normal physical activity level is low or non-existent.

An approach that seems easiest to many is to take diet pills and other weight loss supplements. While this can give you quick weight loss, most of the pounds lost are actually water weight, and will return as soon as you discontinue use of the medicine. Many weight loss products contain untested or even dangerous ingredients. Research any supplement carefully and thoroughly. Ask your doctor about the product before taking it. Keep in mind, too, that there have been many weight loss medications approved that have later turned out to have serious health consequences. Individuals have died while taking doctor approved, FDA approved medications in the appropriate amounts.

It probably will not hurt you to try to drop a few pounds rapidly before a special event, as long as you do it safely and sensibly. Any attempt to use a quick dieting method over a long period of time, however, is extremely risky for your health. It is very rare than an event is scheduled suddenly without notice. Most events, whether it is a reunion, vacation, or a wedding, will be planned months ahead of time, giving you plenty of time to take a reasonable approach to weight loss. Take your time, have realistic expectations, and do the right thing for your health.

Losing weight rapidly is certainly very possible, but may not be worth the risks. Like most things in life, shortcuts will not give you the results you truly need. It can take a much greater investment of time and effort to fix a health problem than it does to prevent the problem in the first place. It is likely that it took you a long time to gain the weight; it will take you longer to lose it. Keep in mind that your primary goals should not be weight loss, but rather a healthy, happy lifestyle.

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