Does Exercise Really Help With Weight Loss?

Exercise absolutely does help with weight loss. But it's not the only tool to help you lose weight. Read on to find out more about the best formula for weight loss and to perhaps discover why your diets in the past haven't worked.

Firstly, a person who is exercising will burn more calories than a person who is not! In addition, exercise increases a person's metabolism for many hours after their exercise session has finished and also changes a person's body composition, resulting in increased muscle mass which also burns more calories than fat.

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However, exercise can't be relied on as weight loss approach on its own.

The reason for this is that most overweight or obese people are unable to exercise at sufficient levels to produce significant negative energy balance to allow weight loss. 200minutes/week of moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise has been identified as the 'ideal' amount of exercise for weight loss. Even if people could commit the time, most overweight people would not have the fitness level to be able to do this amount of exercise.

However, by using lifestyle exercise and intermittent exercise to increase exercise participation time in overweight people these targets become much more realistic. What we mean by this is doing activities like walking the kids to school, taking the stairs at a fast pace rather than the lift, and playing tennis with a friend just for fun each week. If the exercise is enjoyable the chances of weight loss success are even higher. But without doubt the most effective approach is when exercise is combined with a long-term, healthy weight loss eating plan. No amount of exercise will counteract an unhealthy diet and a person's food intake is actually the most important part of the equation.

Exercise seems to be more effective in the maintenance of weight loss and the prevention of weight gain rather than a stand-alone diet approach. It is a fact that the majority of people who are successful at maintaining weight loss take part in regular exercise and there is also stacks of evidence on the role that exercise plays in the prevention of weight gain.

There's also a missing link in weight loss success and no, it's not another fad diet. Simply put, many of us now suffer, unknowingly, from food intolerance. This is not the same as a food allergy which is life threatening. Food intolerance rates have risen rapidly due to our lifestyles: processed foods, eating foods full of pesticides, exposure to toxins, over-use of medications like the contraceptive pill and antibiotics, stress and drinking too much alcohol and coffee. The result is a damaged and 'leaky gut' which allows food proteins to enter the blood stream and food intolerance is the result.

In terms of weight loss, undetected food intolerance actually hinders the body from losing weight, even if you're eating healthily and exercising often.

So if an individual is finding it impossible to shift weight, despite their best efforts, get a simple IgG food intolerance test and cure your intolerance before then trying your weight loss diet again.

Symptoms of food intolerance can appear up to 3 days after eating the offending food and so most people don't realize they have food intolerance until symptoms, over years, become very pronounced. They include symptoms like inability to lose or gain weight, migraines, insomnia, eczema, heart burn, high cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, infertility, cancer, heart disease and more.

Food intolerance can be cured so get tested, follow the advice on curing the intolerance and then start that weight loss program again. This time, you'll find it far easier to shift those pounds - and keep them off. There's no fad diet her, just simple common sense. If the body is dealing with food intolerance, efforts to lose weight will be very hard indeed.

Disclaimer: The use of this information is not a substitute for health advice. The information should be used in conjunction with guidance from your medical practitioner as he/she will be aware of your unique personal medical history.

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